Now we get to the subject we asked you not to "get us started on"... THE ROOF. You wouldn't think this would cause a ruckus... but it did!
We've driven for miles looking at old, traditional, country farmhouses and all you see is metal roofing! Overall, we are going for traditional farmhouse (with a sprinkling of modern touches) so... Rob wanted an all metal roof and he wanted it to match his snazzy (non-traditional) black windows.

Well, one would THINK because most farmers aren't typically wealthy folk, this wouldn't be a roof that would cost more than our traditional shingle roof. YOU WOULD BE WRONG. The debate wasn't over the aesthetic; it was the cost.
Let's just say, I've been doing this long enough to know where this was going... this conversation fell in the same grouping as the "black windows" discussion, which was also a budget issue. I wasn't the one pulling for the all metal roof for this very reason... scroll to the bottom of the post for our ultimate decision!
So, after our amazing framer (Dave Coburn) finished, our fantastic roofer (Juan Coronado) got to work on our shingles, and DANG are they fast!
By the way, the metal roof doesn't come till later... it's almost like the "icing on the cake."
Sidenote: Remember, we are also getting prepped to sell our precious home of 26 years, so Juan provided a brand new roof for this home, too. We may be biased, but someone is going to be VERY LUCKY to buy our current home. We are soooo hoping that a nice young family wants to raise their family here like we did! They'd be getting almost a brand new house since we have systematically replaced almost everything!

After framing we also:
Walked through the house with our HVAC vendor (Roxbury) and located all of our returns, etc. I am a stickler for trying to hide these or at the very least put them in strategically so they aren't the first thing you see. They still have to function!
Walked with David Warren at All in One Plumbing to locate all of our plumbing fixtures.
Walked with Eddie at E&J Electrical, which is ALWAYS an adventure and a delight (unless you have a headache... bless his heart, he is LOUD... I call it an enthusiasm for what he does because he and I share an obsession for lining things up neatly.)
Walked with Mike at Moseley Electronics for the low voltage work (cable, media closet, computer/data). We had to do some extra things here we hadn't really planned for (we should have; it's a business!), so we could hear the dollar signs piling on here, too. Ugh.
Our Decision
My guess is the pricing on the metal roof is one of those "location" and supply/demand things. When we checked with Rob's brother, who builds in the Catskills, he advised they (shingles and metal roofing) are roughly the same price there. They use a lot more metal roofing in that location. As always, when we go back/forth on the exterior selections, my standard line is: "I would like to be able to have some furniture for this house, too, since the inside is where we will be spending our time!"
Here's where we COMPROMISE again (just like the black windows).
Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love brought together under one ROOF.
As you can see in the picture above, the majority of our roof is black shingle. We decided to use the black metal as an accent on the front and rear porches as well as the roof over the Juliet balcony. It will be just perfect (for us). The best part is we didn't have to "rob" (get it?) several banks for it. Once again, we were able to come up with a great compromise that made both of us happy, so all is good!